After asking me a few questions about life style, she stands up and slides her chair around the desk and sits facing me, then she turns my chair to face her.
She rests her hands on my knee, her silky fingertips teasing my skin, she slides her fingers up my thigh and back down to my knee, sending chills up my body. She leans in a little closer, placing her legs between mine, casually pushing back my dress. Looking up into my eyes eagerly awaiting my response..
I look back gazing into her eyes, then down at her breast, so perky and full, pressing against her top. No bra. She takes a deep breath, her erect nipples poking through, rising and falling with each breath.
When do I start?
She stands and pours me a glass of wine. After handing it to me, she leans in close. I can feel her breath on my ear, she's got one hand slid up my thigh & whispers "You start tonight, my husband will be home from work soon. We're looking to spice things up" She brushes my ear softly with her lips and takes a step back......
